8 Pieces Chicken yakitori maki and 3 chicken yakiroti maki and 1 juice
Please specify if the meal is for a boy or a girl in order to give the correct cooler bag
Zee Chopsticks can be bought online for €1.50
8 Pieces Chicken yakitori maki and 3 chicken yakiroti maki and 1 juice Please specify if the meal is for a boy or a girl in order to give the correct cooler bag Zee Chopsticks can be bought online for €1.50
8 Pieces Chicken yakitori maki and 3 chicken yakiroti maki and 1 juice Please specify…
8 Pieces Chicken yakitori maki and 3 chicken yakiroti maki and 1 juice
Please specify if the meal is for a boy or a girl in order to give the correct cooler bag
Zee Chopsticks can be bought online for €1.50